Harold's Picture

Hello, I'm Harold.

I’m an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS). I direct the Collaborative, Learning, and Adaptive Robots (CLeAR) Lab. My research interests are in broadly in human-AI/robot interaction, machine learning, and robotics. I’m particularly interested in developing trustworthy collaborative robots. Read more about my research, teaching or get in touch.

Latest News

    14 May 2024

    All four of our submissions (3 papers, 1 demo) were accepted to R:SS'24!

    6 May 2024

    Awarded the University Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2023). As a third time winner, I'm now on the Honor Roll!

    27 Mar 2024

    Excited to be giving a Keynote at ICRA'24! I'll be speaking about our lab's work on generative models for robotics.

    22 Sep 2023

    Both our submitted papers were accepted to Neurips 2023. Check out our spotlight paper on making deep generative models forget.

    30 Aug 2023

    CLeAR has three papers at IROS 2023. Come join us at IROS!

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